Volunteer Experiences
Encouraged neighbors to vote Democratic by distributing literature and sample ballots as PCO
43rd LD Dems and 36th LD Dems (2001-Present):
- Organized activists from deep blue Seattle to doorbell for candidates in purple areas helping to elect working Democratic majorities in purple cities and counties
- Filled nearly 200 PCO positions as Vice-Chair for Recruitment
- Drafted plans for coordination with Democratic candidates and progressive initiatives; and trained PCOs in use of VoteBuilder and MiniVan as Vice-Chair for Elections
- Trained 2008 precinct caucuses area coordinators for >30 sites attended by >20,000 people; organized “data parties” to digitize attendee contact info, and organized LD caucus as Caucus Jurisdiction Coordinator
- Assisted with Membership and PCO Recruitment, Communications, Technology, Fundraising Events, and a joint campaign invasion with YDUW while volunteering as First Gentleman (spouse was Chair ‘07-’10)
King County Democrats:
- Established web-based candidate questionnaire submitted by over 250 candidates and for shared use by 17 LD Dems organizations; Built consensus on process for early endorsement of candidates when one Democrat/progressive faces a Republican/conservative and no other Democrats enabling pre-filing support of Cong. Kim Schrier as Vice Chair for Endorsements (2021-2022)
- Grew activist database from under 1,000 to over 4,000; Redesigned website, established moderated Community Calendar, began process of posting candidate questionnaires online, integrated maps and elections data into website, and forwarded volunteers from KC Dems website to LD’s as 1st Vice-Chair for Communications and Technology (2004-2008)
Young Democrats of America:
- Took and distributed minutes; redesigned website, managed listservs, established an online newsletter and established YDA presence on social media like Facebook and Twitter as national Secretary (2005-2007)
- Remotely organized “Founder’s Day” fundraiser in DC at with DNC meetings as Finance Committee Chair
- Traveled to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Anchorage, AK to meet with YD’s as Pacific Region Director
Young Democrats of Washington:
- Represented Young Democrats interests as YDA National Committeeman and as WSDCC Committeeman including helping to organize at WA Dems convention to increase YD representation
- Redesigned website and compiled calendar of election events as Communications Director
King County Young Democrats:
- Organized “campaign invasion” events to purple parts of King County as Political and Legislative Director
- Ran meetings, organized candidate forums, straw poll fundraisers, and endorsements as Chair
- Drafted budget, tracked budget, deposited checks, and reported to group as Treasurer
Champaign County (IL) Democrats:
- Worked and strategized to elect more Democrats while serving as a precinct captain (PCO), member of Central Committee, and member of Executive Committee in predominantly rural county
Institute for a Democratic Future: Class of 2002
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and PNW Anti-Defamation League: past board member
Northwest Progressive Institute: Founding Board of Directors member and current Advisory Board member
Work Experience
To read about Rob’s professional background in the technology industry, visit the Work Experience page.