THANK YOU to the many fellow Democratic activists who are supporting my candidacy for State Party Secretary —
It is my pleasure to fully support and endorse Rob Dolin for WSDCC Secretary. Rob is a committed exceptional individual. I met Rob several years ago and I admire his diligent and professional work, always focused on improving our Party and our resources. He has been a consistent supporter of the efforts in Yakima, as well the efforts of my fellow brothers and sisters throughout the State. I look forward to working with Rob as we rebuild our party! Please join me in voting for Rob.
— Susan Soto Palmer (Yakima)
I know I haven’t been public in my endorsements yet for any of the state party reorganization races. However there is one race that I think doesn’t get enough focus the WA Dems Secretary contributes greatly to the communication and transparency within our State Party and is a key element of our organizational structure. I’ve had the opportunity to work with the current Secretary Rob Dolin through our County organization and Seen him work hard to ensure folks in the 43rd LD had a voice in larger segments of the Organization and the tools to better organize within their own organization. While it is worth mentioning he currently is the only Officer or DNC member who is openly “out” with a disability, for me the strongest selling points for me to encourage those of you with votes in this race to reelect him to this position is his incredible work ethic and truly genuine nature that makes him able to work with a wide range of personalities and make sure there are positive deliverables that come out of it. I strongly urge you to support Rob Dolin for WA Dems Secretary
— Paul Bell (Bellevue)
Rob is a true servant to the party and the people. He has my full endorsement and vote to retain his role as Secretary. I’m looking forward to the work ahead of us as we take our state to the bleeding edge of technology and grassroots organizing.
— Jessa Lewis (Seattle)
There are a lot of high profile races going on this weekend at our State Party Reorg. One of the races that many overlook is one that is incredibly important.
Rob Dolin has been our State Party Secretary for 6 years. During his tenure I’ve never once had to wait more than a day to get a returned phone call, and I’ve never seen someone work so hard to keep our meetings running on time and smoothly.
If you want to be 110% sure on at least one vote you make as a state committee member this weekend, a vote for Rob Dolin for State Party Secretary is the right vote. Every time. Period.
— Jay Clough (Tri-Cities)
I fully support Rob Dolin for State Party Secretary. He was one of the leaders to reelect our Supreme Court Justices this year and fully deserves another term.
— Mayor Chris Roberts (Shoreline)
Rob works in technology because he’s a bridge builder. He believes in improving the ways people communicate and share information. During our time in the Young Democrats of America, he instrumental in uniting warring factions into a common cause and helping the organization move forward. He has continued this level headed, accessible approach as a member of the executive board.
— Hillary Hunt (Lacey)